Thursday, February 28, 2013

Get Involved with the Broadway SkyTrain Discussion

The facts:

Translink, the Provincial and Municipal governments and others are contemplating building a Skytrain extension to UBC from the Vancouver Community College station.

The projected costs will be around $3.2 billion for a ~12 km extension.  

Projections and benefits:

According to Translink, the Broadway - UBC corridor extension to the Skytrain will carry over 75,000 riders per day.  The Broadway corridor has North America's busiest bus line according to the Vancouver Vision Party.   Currently the corridor takes over 100,000 riders per day via bus.

Keeping people moving in a green and efficient manner is a challenge with large benefits to our economy.  The status quo of clogged, congested traffic arteries is not going to work for the long term. 

Get involved:

Mayor Gregor Robertson and Councillor Geoff Meggs are hosting an open house on Sunday March 10 from 2pm to 4pm at St James Community Hall to discuss this topic.  They will invite questions from the audience to begin a dialogue about how to get the Provincial and Federal governments on board with a Broadway Subway.

What: Public Forum on a Subway along Broadway
Where: St James Community Hall - 3214 W 10th Ave
When: Sunday March 10, 2pm-4pm



  1. Fascinating spin.
    - The "busiest bus line" is an empty AirBus for a quarter of the year that students are away. Interesting how a candidate in a riding that 99B goes through has missed that.
    - 75,000 riders by skytrain and 100,000 by bus - why downgrade? Keep the bus, save the money. The argument was about increasing volumes not decreasing them.
    - Clogged streets? Remove street parking to free up as much as 50% road capacity and they will not be clogged anymore. Remember how easy it was to drive through the city during the olympics? No street parking was in place.
    - Congested traffic - remove, incompatible, slow moving traffic from bus and arterial routes and the traffic will move. No cycling on bus routes. Promote residential cycling routes.

    A candidate for a *Provincial* role appears to be biased towards municipal pet projects rather than taking a Province-wide view and support transit investments into the fastest growing regions of the Lower Mainland - South Surrey and beyond.

  2. Thank you 604Commuter. The above text is Vision, not me. I am passing on this open invitation to bring up topics at the Skytrain open house on Sunday. Please come to the discussion.

    The studies of ridership I have dissected appear to be sound. I am very aware of the 99B as one passes my neighbourhood every 6 minutes but I have also been passed by on several occasions when the buses are full. The studies show that the Skytrain will lure people out of their cars in either extension and I would like to get your input into where it may be flawed.

    Note that they are projecting 340,000 daily boardings yet that figure is for 2041. Other data needs:

    - it would be good to have access to the assumptions and raw data to examine it for errors.
    - the LRT proposals at street level would congest traffic. I tend to agree.
    - Am worried the costs will be higher than stated.

    Duane Nickull
